13 Snack Swaps That You and Your Kids Will Love

13 Snack Swaps That You and Your Kids Will Love

Whether it is a quick breakfast, morning snack, afternoon snack, or a dinner treat, unhealthy foods packed with sugars, salts, and unwanted processed ingredients always find their way into getting into our kids diets. With a little planning and preparation, we can kick out the unwanted junk food for some nutritious and delicious snacks! Let’s dive into the 13 snack swaps that you and your kids will love!

13 Snack Swaps That You and Your Kids Will Love

Needing a new snack at home for you and the kids? Tired of stressing over the snacks that you give your kids? Do you ever pick up snacks from the store that says they are healthy and then you flip it over and notice the nutrition label has ingredients that you haven’t heard of before? OR Summer is just around the corner and with that being said, that means lots of vacations, traveling, zoo & waterpark visits and social gatherings and you just want a healthy snack on the go?

I got you covered. I did the research and I figured out the recipes to help you come up with delicious and nutritious snacks that you and the kids will love!

1. Yogurt Squeeze Pouches

Squeeze pouches. Let’s just say they are the bee’s knees. My kids absolutely love them, and I bring them everywhere I go. Obviously, all kids love the Go Gurts, the Danimals and all the other ones that are packed full of straight sugar. It is without a doubt that making your own yogurt is the healthiest for you, but for those busy moms that just don’t have time for that I highly recommend the Stonyfield Organic Kids Yogurt. I prefer the whole milk with probiotics in it for added benefits!

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2. Kids Larabar

Kids love a good granola bar. They are wonderful to grab when you are running out the door and your kid wants a quick snack. To make life easier for you and the kids just keep a box in your van, your purse, your diaper bag, and any other places that kids desperately need a snack. It never seems to fail when I am trying to do my running, at an appointment, or meeting up with friends and my kids need a snack.

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3. Annie’s Organic Snacks

Have you guys EVER had Annie’s organic snacks? If you haven’t go get your kids a box….and get yourself a box because you’ll end up hiding in the pantry eating a whole box of their snacks and not wanting to share with the kids. They are THAT GOOD. Do they go way past the 7 ingredients rule? Yes, They are more like 13. However, the ingredients in the Annie’s Organic Snacks are all ingredients that I can read and understand.

13 Snack Swaps That You and Your Kids Will Love

4. Sweet Potato Chips

Sweet Potato Chips from Thrive Market only has THREE ingredients. That is a win in my books. Obviously, most chips out there are packed full of ingredients that just is not the best for the body. Not only are they better for you, but they also come in travel size. How awesome is that?! I recently started making my own Cheez-It crackers for my kids. Here is the recipe!

13 Snack Swaps That You and Your Kids Will Love

5. Cheerio’s

Cheerios in a snack catcher is something I pack often. It is a great filler for the kids. These Cheerio’s from Thrive Market are another staple piece in my house. I honestly buy 12 -14 boxes a month. We eat these for breakfast, a snack, and I put them in my granola bars. They are a very clean cereal that you won’t feel bad to feed your kids when they are asking for it.

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6. Fruit Circles

Kids LOVE fruit snacks. I haven’t met a kid that doesn’t like fruit snacks, but they are packed full of so much junk that I never give my kids fruit snacks. Now, though these still are not that clean…they are WAY cleaner than fruit snacks. Fruit circles from Thrive Market are hands down a good little treat that I give my kids when they are behaving.

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7. Protein Balls

These are great for kids! It is a snack that you can control which ingredients you put in them, and you know that your kids are for sure eating something healthy and tasty. Heck, double the recipe and make yourself some too! Here is a quick recipe to kid friendly protein balls!

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8. Hard Boiled Egg

This is an afternoon snack that my kids have often. Serve this with some Real Salt and some fresh fruit and your kids will LOVE the afternoon snack.

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9. Fresh Fruit and Mixed Nuts

This one shocked me. I was one day eating mixed nuts and fruits. My toddler asked if he could have some nuts. I said sure, thinking he wouldn’t like it at all. Here he LOVED it. Which shocked me.

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10. Celery, Peanut Butter, and Raisens

This is another fan favorite. I am realizing they will love anything that is covered in peanut butter. I love Thrive Markets peanut butter brand. It is creamy, delicious, and clean! This is another item that I purchase several a month because we go through peanut butter so quickly!

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11. Fruit Smoothie or Fruit Popsicles

I bought a popsicle mold off of amazon and it is simply amazing! I make popsicles that are packed full of veggies and fruit and my kids think that they are getting a delicious popsicle! If you don’t have a popsicle mold, then simply just make a fruit smoothie. I love the fruit smoothies from The Yummy Toddler Blog.

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12. Banana Oat Cookies

A cookie as a healthy snack? ABSOLUTELY! These are another go to. Make a whole bunch of them, store them in the freezer and pull them out when you need a treat for the kids! Here is a quick recipe for you!

  • 3 ripe bananas, mashed
  • 1/3 cup (80 ml) of coconut oil
  • 2 cups (160 grams) of rolled oats
  • 1/2 cup (80–90 grams) of mini chocolate chips or dried fruit
  • 1 teaspoon (5 ml) of vanilla

Mix all ingredients in a bowl. Place spoonful of the cookie
mixture onto a greased cookie sheet and bake for 15–20 minutes at 350°F

My kids think that this is a wonderful dessert so most the time we have these after dinner!

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13. Whole Grain Crackers and Nut Butter

Again, if it is covered in peanut butter, kids will devour it. I love the whole grain crackers from Thrive Market along with their nut butter. This is the perfect snack to have before bed to fill their little bellies up so they sleep soundly throughout the night.

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The Bottom Line

It is without a doubt that kids are always hungry and always looking for a snack. I am always looking for ways to fill their bellies up with healthy foods for them. Normally, for a morning snack I gravitate towards just fruits and veggies. The afternoon snack I usually do a fruit and a carb or protein. Then for night snack I do a protein and a carb. I try to cut out as much processed foods as possible. Here is a post on why.

What is your favorite healthy snack that you feed your kids? Put it in the comments below!

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