13 Holistic Ways to Boost Immunity

13 Holistic Ways to Boost Immunity

Fall season will be here just before we know it. It is also that time of the year when you and your littles start to get sick. Let’s start putting some holistic methods into place to make you and your families bodies strong enough to fight off these viruses that will be coming your way! Here are 13 Holistic Ways to Boost Immunity!

13 Holistic Ways to Boost Immunity

We are all excited about the fall season; however, we are not excited about the viruses that come with it. Having a son that gets sick quickly and does a dramatic turn when he gets the slightest cold, I am making sure that I am doing all the natural remedies to keep his immune system up so we can spend our fall days outside at a pumpkin patch, or on a cool crisp nature walk instead of being stuck inside the house.

What is Holistic Health Lifestyle?

First thing is first, some people are not exactly sure on what holistic actually means. Let me give a quick definition to holistic health, it is an approach to life that considers multidimensional aspects of wellness. It encourages individuals to recognize the whole person: physical, mental, emotional, social, intellectual, and spiritual.

That is my goal here, when I was expected my first son, I knew I wanted a very natural lifestyle. I wanted to keep as many toxins out of his body (and mine) as much as possible. I started falling in love with all these natural remedies to heal our body. It wasn’t until my second son when I really started diving into it. He was constantly sick his first year of life and I knew that I needed to change his wellness as a whole to keep him healthy.

If you are wanting to start your own non-toxic journey, read my blog post on How To Create a Non-Toxic Life for Beginners.

Why we should live a holistic lifestyle.

I need to make a whole separate blog post on this, but to give a quick summary, it’s about balance and mindfulness. If you really think of it, if you are having gut issues, sleepless nights, headaches, and the list goes on, you can take a pill and hopes that it will cure you but in reality, it is your lifestyle and how you are living it. Are you getting enough sleep, eating whole foods, stressed or moving your body daily?

These are all questions you should be asking yourself when you start to have a flare up.

13 Holistic Ways to Boost Immunity

13 Holistic Ways to Boost Immunity

When are bodies are strong and healthy it is so easy for it to fight off infections, bad bacteria, or viruses. When the flu or a cold is going around at daycare or at work, we want to be able to either fight it off or have little symptoms.

to incorporate some of these methods into your day, I find it really helpful to have a good morning routine or a strong structure to your day. This can help you feel less stressed.


Let’s start with the most important one of all, SLEEP. Did you know that adults need 8 hours of sleep, teenagers need 8-10 hours of sleep, and young children and babies need up to 14 hours of sleep (including naps).

There is scientific evidence that says not getting enough sleep can reduce the capabilities of your body’s immune system supporting you.

2. Exercising Daily

Move that body for just 30 minutes a day! It can be walking, strength training, playing with the kids, heavy cleaning, or push mowing lawn. Physical activity can help reduce inflammation and help immune cells regenerate regularly.

3. Healthy Eating

We are what we eat. Eating healthy is an important part of building a healthy immunity. When it comes to filling your plate with food try to make half your plate fruits and vegetables, a quarter of your plate protein and a quarter of your plate starches. Also, fuel your body with healthy fats and dairy items! Some foods that are great for the immune system are:

  • Garlic
  • Yogurt
  • Beef
  • Lentals
  • Sunflower Seeds
  • Eggs
  • Red Bell Peppers
  • Almonds
  • Oranges
  • Strawberries
  • Ginger
  • Grapes
  • Spinach
  • Mushrooms
  • Sweet Potatoes
  • Asparagus
  • Chickpeas
  • Salmon
  • Turmeric
  • Walnuts
  • Oats
  • Avocados
  • Green Tea
  • Pears
  • Cauliflower
  • Honey
  • Blueberries

4. Drink Water

Not only does water keep you hydrated, but it is also great you’re for immune system! Drinking water:

  • Washes germs away
  • Removes toxins
  • Flushes waste from the body systems
  • Aids in vitamin and nutrient absorption

5. Healthy Way of Dealing with Stress

How you deal with stress can really affect your body. When you are stressed try and find a positive way of dealing with it by:

  • Writing in a journal
  • Practicing meditation
  • Staying positive
  • Taking time for yourself
  • Exercising
  • Eating and drinking healthy
  • Sleeping
  • Hanging out with close friends

6. Taking a Cold Shower

Taking a cold shower can help you build your immunity. The shock of cold water can stimulate the blood cells that fight off infections. Also, cold showers can help with:

  • Help with depression
  • Improve circulation
  • Increase metabolism
  • Reduce inflammation
  • Prevent muscle soreness
  • Relieve pain

7. Grounding Yourself

Grounding yourself is a therapeutic technique that involves doing activities that “ground” or electrically reconnect you with calmness.

Studies have been shown that electrical conductivity exists within the matrix that functions as an immune system defense. Similar to antioxidants.

8. Supplements

Here are some supplements that help boost the immune system:

9. Daily Essential Oils

This time of the year I am usually rubbing essential oils on my kid’s spine and feet to help boost their immune system. The brand I like to use is Doterra. I usually get a 10ml roller bottle off amazing and apply:

Then I fill the rest up with a carrier oil like coconut oil!

10. Chiropractor

This one is a new one that I learned. I find it so great that going to the chiropractor has so many benefits. To be honest I feel like everyone should go weekly, if not weekly then monthly!

When you get adjusted you are allowing proper communication throughout your body. When it comes to fighting off a virus or bad bacteria it is so important for your body to be ready to release the correct type of antibodies, discharging the correct hormones, or increase production of your white blood cells.

Getting adjusted also helps you get sick less often or helps you get over a sickness faster!

11. Limiting/ No Alcohol

Did you know heavy drinking weakens your immune system making it easier to get sick and harder to recover from an illness? Alcohol actually reduces the number of bacteria your immune system needs!

12. Staying Away from Sugar

Spikes in your sugar intake can actually hurt your immune system. When your body eats a lot of foods or drinks that are high in sugar then you reduce your body’s ability to fight off diseases.

13. Drink Bone Broth

Bone broth is the healer of ALL THINGS. Literally if you are having any issues with your body, just drink bone broth there is a great chance it will fix it!

Bone broth can stimulate the immune system to produce more white blood cells and other natural killers to help fight off any infections that your body is facing. Bone broth can also reduce inflammation, protect the brain and the nervous system, and repair any damaged tissues.

The Bottom Line

Incorporating all these changes at once can be overwhelming. Start with one thing and slowly add them in. Before you know if, you will become a pro at finding ways to keep your immunity up during the fall and winter seasons!