120 Mother's Day Breakfast Recipes

120 Mother’s Day Breakfast Recipes

Mother’s Day is just around the corner and what better way to show your mama some love than with some amazing food. Make it a breakfast in bed or brunch with the family. Either way these recipes will for sure make her smile! Not only are they delicious but they are easy to make and MOSTLY nutritious! Lets jump into 120 Mother’s Day Breakfast Recipes!

120 Mother's Day Breakfast Recipes

This is year THREE for me celebrating Mother’s Day as a mom. I have three amazing kids. Two boys and one girl. Ages are 3,2, & 1. Motherhood is exhausting, challenging, scary but also rewarding, fun, and exciting! Moms are truly superheroes and its crazy on the number of things they can accomplish while taking care of their littles.

Below I put a list of some of THE BEST breakfast or brunch recipes out there. Nothing I love more than to wake up to AMAZING food and praying that I don’t have to do the cleanup.

So here is a big SHOUT OUT to all the mothers and mother figures out there. You are a rockstar, you are a saint, you are absolutely incredible, and your family would be LOST without you! So, cheers to you!

120 Mother's Day Breakfast Recipes

Pancakes and Waffles

Now these are truly my favorite. Anything that is smothered in maple syrup or honey topped with some delicious fresh berries I am HERE FOR! Now, I am a big sourdough lover and normally I have a jar of sourdough right next to my stove to use. So, some of these recipes call for sourdough and others don’t. You will know by the title if it calls for sourdough or not. Either way there are SO MANY OPTIONS for you and your family to use!

120 Mother's Day Breakfast Recipes

Casseroles & Skillets

120 Mother's Day Breakfast Recipes

Granola & Granola Bars

120 Mother's Day Breakfast Recipes


120 Mother's Day Breakfast Recipes


120 Mother's Day Breakfast Recipes

Breads & Bagels

120 Mother's Day Breakfast Recipes


120 Mother's Day Breakfast Recipes

Dessert For Breakfast

120 Mother's Day Breakfast Recipes

Burritos & Sandwiches

I hope you cook your wonder mother a great breakfast and make her feel loved. From one mama to another I am sending you all the love on your special day!!!

What type of quick recipe is your favorite?

Do you have a simple, quick, and delicious recipe you use weekly? Let me know down below in the comments some of your favorite recipe!

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